
Eating disorders are derived from a distorted self image that alter how the affected individual evaluates and thinks about her or his body. Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses with very high mortality rates. Eating disorders are most commonly developed in teenage girls. Teens are concerned about how they look and can feel self-conscious about their bodies. This can be especially true when they are going through puberty, and undergo dramatic physical changes and face new social pressures.

Anorexia Nervosa-an eating disorder developed by an obsessive fear of gaining weight. People with anorexia continue to feel hungry, but they deny themselves all but very small quantities of food.

How to overcome addiction

There are many types of addictions and most of them can be treated the same way. The first step to overcome addiction is always admitting that there is a problem and be willing and open to change. As a person begins the road to recovery it is necessary to remain open-minded and be willing to get rid of all prejudices. The next step depends on what type of addiction you have and what best suits you. Possible options include;

  • Joining a new community- Joining a new club, sports team, or other kinds of community will help you make new friends and start a new chapter of your life in which addiction is not a part.
  • 12 step program- Joining a program with other people who have gone through the same addiction as you have can be really helpful. Use of a set of guiding principles for recovery.
  • Find the courage to determine what you're not getting- For many people addiction is a way to serve a need

When getting rid of a bad behavior, it is necessary to replace it with something positive that will make you stronger instead of weaker. It is important for the individual to work on identifying positive behaviors that will take the place of the addiction.

Addiction Theories 

1.The biological theory - Suggests that habitual users of drugs or alcohol have a biological abnormality that causes them to become addicted. The theory suggests that certain individuals are genetically predisposed to addiction by a faulty gene or perhaps a chemical imbalance in the brain, which renders the prospects of completely overcoming addiction an impossible task!

2. The psychological theory - Views addiction as problematic behavior. In other words the individual who has an addiction enjoys the effects that substances or compulsions have on the mind and body. This theory suggests that the desired effect of the habitual behavior makes overcoming addiction extremely difficult.

3. The sociological theory - Suggests that societies which produce higher levels of inner tensions such as guilt, stress, suppressed aggression and conflict have higher rates of addiction and are less likely to overcome it. Furthermore, the model suggests that societies that are permissive of and encourage such behavior have higher rates of addiction. This theory suggests that overcoming addiction requires changing ones social environment!

Subliminal Advertising


Subliminal advertising is a form of subliminal seduction, which is a form of mind manipulation. Subliminal means something that the conscious mind is not able to perceive. However, although Subliminal messages are not noticed directly by the viewer, they are seen with the subconscious mind and can trigger multiple emotions.  When used in the form of advertisement, subliminal  seduction is the use of images and sounds at a speed or frequency that does not allow us to perceive them consciously but that we perceive unconsciously. In this way, advertisers are able to influence the consumers' responses without their being conscious of it. One example is a marketing message like "Drink Pepsi" flashed on a screen on a screen so briefly that a person cannot perceive it, yet the viewer is manipulated by this hidden message and they begin to crave Pepsi. 
Subliminal advertising is frequently used in movie theaters to attract consumers. Throughout the course of a movie messages such as "Hungry? Eat Popcorn" are flashed on the screen for .003 seconds. The results of this hidden mind manipulation? The sales of popcorn increased by an impressive fifty eight percent. In audio forms of subliminal advertising the message is played at a volume which isn't able to be heard or recorded backwards in a process called back-masking. Stores use a more obvious form of subliminal seduction. Store owners know that playing music with a tempo faster than the human heartbeat causes shoppers to shop quickly and therefore buy less. The slower the beat, the more time shoppers will take, and the greater the chances are that they'll buy something. It has been argued that subliminal advertisements are more powerful than ordinary advertisements because they are able to find a way around critical functions of the conscious mind.